3 Exercise Motivation Insights to Drop Your Excuses

3 Exercise Motivation Insights to Drop Your Excuses

If you still wimp about working out, then you need some Exercise Motivation. Following we are giving you a few pointers for how to drop your excuses and make important changes to achieve your fitness dreams.

These insights may come a little harsh but they are true as they help you strengthen your resolve.

  • My Workout Plan Always Foils Up

Grab a pen, and get a plan. Make process goals including a target number of weekly workouts and you better stick to your routine. Stay true to your plan and you will have better chances to succeed with the big picture.

3 Exercise Motivation Insights to Drop Your Excuses

You need to set specific goal, and divide them on week basis. Be prepared for failure and setbacks. Even if you don’t follow your goals perfectly, you will at least make noticeable progress in a month or so.

  • Hate for Cardio

Don’t run endless marathons on treadmill, instead start with circuit. Circuit training is better than aerobic exercise as it builds strength in upper body. This also boosts your cardio.

For better results, you can try Kara’s technique, One minute sets of upper and lower body, with resting for 30 seconds in between can help tone your muscles.

  • I am in Bad Shape, and it seems Impossible

Do you know you can shrink your waist in 3 months if you just walk? If you tally at least 500 steps a day, you do a five minute walk. You need to increase your effort ant take these 500 steps to a thousand or two.

Set this milestone, and keep at it for a few months. You will see visible results very soon. Even though if you are in bad, you can still improve by making small efforts every now and then! You can improve yourself with resilience and a strong will.